What is guest posting? Sure many of you are already familiar with the term and you do them often, but many can you heard it, you sound completely Chinese. Well I have good weeks after delaying the post, decided to take a moment today to expose the subject. I think the and SEO strategies can be a great tool for journalists today, allowing to build a strong personal brand, naturally and sustained on its own merits.
Guest Posting
Guest Posting for backlinks is an online marketing technique that is widespread in America and that has a large parish faithful in Spain: is basically working as a guest in a friend blog of the same sector, contributing articles highly relevant content on your specialty and vice versa, because you can open your blog to collaborations with colleagues who have something to offer your readers. The benefit-hence its success- lies with all parties:
You gain notoriety, samples openly your knowledge to a new audience, publicly receive the trust of other colleagues, you find new business contacts and business opportunities, followers want and attract quality backlinks.
The host manages effortlessly quality content, more traffic and more quality, viral and, what is better: much of the notoriety and the trust placed in you puts his audience in the form of subscription and loyalty.
The audience gets good content, relevant and useful information on a particular subject, with the signing of an industry professional and the quality of a skilled artisan.
guest blogging benefits
I have no doubt that you already have in mind the level of demand that one should be marked if you decide to bet on the technique of guest blogging to grow in notoriety within their sector. Posts here are not worth two paragraphs that superficially tell a story about the sector or an opinion on something without a good and convincing argument. Write guest posts to blogging would be like writing a big story for the Sunday paper or prepare a television special on a central theme: broad in outlook, rigorous, contrasted with several sources, reasoned opinion, impeccably written, attractive and detailed and in-depth information (if you’re able to get that in two paragraphs: I buy!).
If you decide to bet on it, like outsourced link building services guest blogging allow you to take a second step in the race to the bottom which is personal branding. It is true that the demand is high, but the benefits can be amazing. Write guest star in a specialized blog in your area is much more impressive to your professional image share your blog posts with your LinkedIn network contacts and represents, in the eyes of others, a whole letter of recommendation offered by sector partners, are supposed to be the most knowledgeable in your field.
guest authors outreach
The idea is good and, as with all great ideas have emerged around many platforms and businesses that allow you to jump into this new world of the guest blogger: from places to find people you invite to join your blog or potential guest to introduce special tools WordPress for you to adapt your blog to a form of guest blogging comfortable, safe and simple. Here I gather some of the most mentioned and recommended on the internet. For starters can serve especially as part of your SEO strategy for positioning websites, but if you look capable and have good contacts, I recommend that you go to excellence: select accounts blogs of interest, very focused on your industry, which allow you to collaborate from time to time and focus your efforts on providing content very, very good quality.
Most popular platforms Guest Posts (all are in English, in an upcoming post will make a selection of the ones in Phoenix AZ, promised!)
Make Money with posts
My guest blog
guest blogging platform
English blogging platform
To do guest blogging
To find guest authors
Sharing site posts
Popular plugins for WordPress blogging guest posts
Peter’s posts notes: allows control of new posts by notes that can leave your guests in the authors section to edit posts. So you can tell them what you would like to review before publishing them and ask yourself directly doubts and other questions about the workflow.
Peter’s collaboration emails: receive an email whenever any of your guests add a posts, so you can check it directly through a link in the email and you will approve it once you’ve edited it necessary. Also, as you finish editing the posts and give a pass, the guest author receives an email in which he is informed that the input is validated and published, with a link to the final content.
Guest Post WordPress Plugin allows you invited authors to submit their articles without having to make login in the administration area. It offers you an easy way to edit.
Do you know any tool or interesting platform for guest blogging? Thanks in advance for sharing:) International gold “Your WordPress
Guest Post Outreach
Some time ago I reached my ears a term that I found very interesting, called “Guest Blogging,” a term which many of you probably know, but if that is not the case here’s a little definition.
Guest Blogging is what translated into Spanish, would become “Guest Blogger” or “Blogging as Guest”, that is, we (bloggers) wrote an article for another page or blog. In exchange for what? may be wondering … well first you will be recognized for that post, and placing a link at the end of the article, may have potential visits, and as we know, the more visits better.
There are many other benefits that brings this technique for both the guest and the host, but in short I think is amazing, the only problem is … it is not widely used in blogs in Spanish and taking that as a point of game, seems to me to create “Blogs Hosts” and write content for them, is a great advertising tactics, and we should start doing.
I’m still a beginner blogger, but those who have popular guest posting blogs, can benefit, and put a simple link (either in the footer, or elsewhere) that allows contact with the blog owner, or announced that they are looking for people to write articles for them.
The only condition is:
That is quality content, and in addition to that which is original content.
So interested, just respond to this issue, and if they want documented much more, can read the guide How to Build a Blog With 10,000 suscribers Glen Allsopp, just enter your email (quiet, it is not spam)