Penguin Penalty Tips

Google Penguin , is  if we analyze things and with a cool head, we realize that Google Panda Penguin basically works in the same concept: “quality content and web quality.” But I do not speak the contents of a post, but to avoid that searches a result throw something other than what the user really is really looking for”

Tips to escape the Penguin penalty

However, we should also mention the “little – big” differences is that while Panda focuses on originality of content and eliminates or considered low quality copying content, Penguin works in suppressing spam content, ie in those websites who misuse of SEO: excessive keywords, hidden text, etc. and were enjoying thanks to this early position.

  1. If your site was hit by the update then it is likely that these small but very useful tips can help, if not regain your former excellent positions overnight, yes to start with the work, performing it steadily will bear fruit that will not be collapsed by a future update.
  2. The first thing to do is check that the visits have declined since the launch date Penguin, April 24, if not from this date the decline is due to other causes.
  3. Start or improvement using Google Webmaster Tools; This tool is very useful because it not only gives you all kinds of guidance related to the website it has tools to help you make good SEO; thereby detecting errors sitemap, or opt to receive messages from Google that inform about any error that has occurred.
  • The seaworthiness is an important factor if we talk about quality, why concern yourself of the “great little details”, items must be clearly visible, nothing unusual designs or other errors that make users quickly go to your page.
  • Too many ads will only hurt you, is to understand search performance, but that does not mean that users must lose between content and advertising.
  • Put yourself in a user’s most critically, that way you can see which are the possible causes of abandonment, since a high bounce or rebound is harmful, also ahead of Google.
  • The abuse of keywords. This is already more than that, and there are many who fall into the wrong SEO. Review contents and find that it is not is making this either consciously or unconsciously good measure. If you need to change content is time to get down to work.
  • Get rid of spam back links; Forget those “programs 5000 links for $ 5”, and that are not pleasing to google.
    If you’re going to get links that are good, thematic pages with authority and relevant content.
  • Variation of the anchor and urls of the page. You can not just get links to the home and only a separate keywords.
    Do not post links or invited to pages that deviate from the topic of your website.
  • No comments Spam.
  • Using social media, read USO, but not abuse.
  • Add buttons to share on google Plus, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

Here are some tips that could help you out Penguin objective or not into it, if you still remain without being hit not sing victory, the algorithm continues tracking.

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