Posts Categorized: Google

Google Penalty

Google Penalty – Why Google penalizes pages and possible symptoms of penalizaciónSe could say that as a rule the penalties of search engines can be of two types. On one side are the penalties algorithm and other penalties for manual review. Yes, it may seem hard to believe, Google has hundreds of employees reviewing the… Read more »

Google Services

Google services to use Google is much more than a search engine. Today offers many services and applications in the cloud, today I will talk about all of the most used services offered free. I will try to point out to you that functionality usually use for my daily organization. Gmail It is certainly the best known,… Read more »

Penguin Penalty Tips

Google Penguin , is  if we analyze things and with a cool head, we realize that Google Panda Penguin basically works in the same concept: “quality content and web quality.” But I do not speak the contents of a post, but to avoid that searches a result throw something other than what the user really… Read more »